
Family + Transition

August is always a time of transition: summer is ending, school is about to begin, and the light is changing. Although I’m usually sad about leaving behind lazy summer days, I do enjoy the energy in the air that back-to-school brings. This August is different, though. The pandemic means that the energy is muted, and many are concerned about being together in groups. For me personally, this August brings a milestone: my oldest heading to college! It’s very bittersweet; where did the time go? Everything they say is true: it goes by fast, so: stay present - enjoy the moments. To that I would add: take the photos no matter the mess. You will cherish them later!

Getting set up for our end-of-summer family portrait.

Getting set up for our end-of-summer family portrait.

Testing the light

Testing the light

I had about 5 minutes…. no outfits and no posing. (!)

I had about 5 minutes…. no outfits and no posing. (!)
Susannah ElliottComment