My recent trip home - I sent my lens off for maintenance, so only had my cell phone. It’s amazing what you can capture with phone cameras.
I love Louisiana so much. Does everyone (who has moved away from home) feel this tug on their hearts when they visit their home state? I think of the pine trees in the coniferous zone with gorgeous, hilly roads in Northern Louisiana, the happy tropical plants in New Orleans, the waterways and bridges in the southern part of the state, the live oaks and cypress trees in the swamp. I walked for two hours one morning in New Orleans, absorbing the colors, spirit and exuberance. I know that it is an imperfect place; I know that. I know that it has been compromised environmentally and that letting “les bons temps rouler” sometimes results in an unhealthy lifestyle. I know all of this. I don't know how to solve all of these things, but I know that I don’t love it any less. I see the pain, I see the suffering, but I also see the beauty.